After taking a much-needed break on Monday, Jack's team played what could have been their final tournament game last night. Could have been IF they'd have won. It was a great game to watch, but they lost, 4-3. Bill and I think the coach should have sacrifice bunted to tie the game, but what to we know...... Jack's team beat this same team on Sunday, 20-8. Now we will have a rematch tonight to decide who will be the champion of our subdistrict. Big stuff here. Jack has been the starting third baseman for all of the games. He's done a great job defensively.
On another note, Sister Sarah (we're thinking she might pursue nun as her vocation) needs to go on a diet. At her Dr. appt. today, she weighed in at 2 1/2lbs. more than she did 25 days ago. And she grew 2 inches in length. At a wee bit over 5 weeks that puts her at nearly 10 1/2 lbs. and 23 inches. No wonder she keeps growing out of clothes already! I'll try to take some pictures of her fat rolls. Interesting that it's cute on a baby but a little repulsive on a grownup?!
Must get dinner started (tacos tonight) so we can leave (the fifth night in 6 days) for baseball by 5:15. Did I mention that it's 95 degrees out too?