Saturday, November 14, 2009

Crazy Sarah

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The End of Baseball--At Least Until March

Jack's Fall baseball team. Jack is on the far left, bottom row.

Just a funny side note: The guy on the left side, top row, is a salesman/deliveryman for Lay's. That means he is surrounded by chips all of the time. On the days he restocks store shelves, the outdated bags of chips get thrown away--or in our case, re-gifted to us. Not being a chip-eater myself, I didn't know much about the variety of chips and chip products available. Now, I feel like a true chip expert. We have boxes of chips in our utility room. Strange combinations such as cheddar and jalapeno Cheetos, spicy sweet chili Doritos, tacos at midnight Doritos (Bill's favorite), and cheddar and sour cream Lay's. All kinds, really. I'm not sure yet if I'm grateful for his generosity.

Bananas Are Good!

Sarah has started eating. A little cereal earlier in the week and this morning, bananas. I see that a stack of newly sewn bibs in my future.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Boycott Continues.....

We are now more than 6 weeks into our Walmart boycott. We haven't set foot in Walmart. Not once. Though there was a tempting afternoon where we needed craft supplies. We fought it and walked away. I feel strangely liberated and free. Can we make it through Christmas?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sleeping In A Hole

So Jon has been playing outside a lot lately, even after dark since the time change. He usually brings a "lantern" (flashlight) to light his way. There's a large hole, near the driveway, that he's been diligently digging. You get the picture. Anyway, the other evening I went outside to check on him around 6:30 and I couldn't find him. I called for him and he didn't answer. I put on my shoes and walked around the yard looking for him. I found him laying down in his hole "taking a little nap." According to him, that is. What a little freak!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009


The stem NEVER comes out on this one! Never.

My favorite. Needs to be washed.

Every fall, for probably my whole life, I've used these cookie cutters to make gingerbread cookies. Same recipe, same cookie cutters, same everything. I thrive on change, don't you know.