Tacquitos per Jack's request.

A little glimpse into the life of our family. Some insight, a few of our favorite things, a bit of crafting, a recipe or two, and a chronicle of our life.
We had about 3 inches by last night. Very windy, sleety, and cold overnight. Not sure what today will bring, but I know that we will be warm and cozy inside the house. There might be some snowman construction and fort building by the boys, but it won't last long. Jon always takes his gloves/mittens off, believing that they hamper his ability to handle snow. Then he becomes hysterical when his hands "are freezing/burning!"
While standing in the kitchen, looking out the window towards the chicken coop, I feared I saw a dead and frozen chicken just laying in there. I watched for several minutes and it never moved. Yikes. I woke Bill and made him go out and offer mouth to beak resuscitation. Luckily, Ms. Chicken was only gazing about, enchanted by the winter beauty surrounding her.