Despite the ongoing rain, the local strawberries are ripe and ready to go. Earlier than Oregon by a long shot, but so good. There is a farm about 2 miles down the road that sells berries and we frequent it this time of year. I absolutely do not u-pick--I've done my share of that! We bought 5lbs. this morning and had them all eaten by this evening. Yikes! We used Jack's ice cream ball to make a bit of vanilla softserve to go with them. Have you seen one of these before? You fill one side with cream, sugar, vanilla, etc. and the other side with ice and salt. We roll it, throw it, or shake it for about 20 minutes and it makes about 1 pint of nice, soft ice cream.
Be sure to check out Jon's fort in the background. It's my chair covered with every pillow in the house. I think he's even hidden snacks back behind because you never know when hunger might strike!
Bill's not working due to the rain (what is it with these southerners--are they made of sugar?!) so tonight looks like a movie night. I believe they're watching "Independence Day" so I might need to find something else to occupy my time.
Why yes, we ARE made of sugar!
Are your toes purple yet?
Worst alien movie of all time.
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