Monday, June 8, 2009

The Best Baby Ever

That's what we've decided Sarah is. She hardly ever cries (Jack even asked when she would start crying!), goes to sleep on her own and sleeps for at least 4 hours (at night), nurses like a pro already, and seems completely contented when she is awake--just looks around and snuggles. A vast difference between her and the boys as babies. Yesterday, Sarah spent the day touring Pamplin Park, shopping at Target, and eating at Panera Bread. Never fussed one time, even when we changed her diaper at the bookstore, on Bill's lap! She is truly the best baby ever. And that's just the kind of baby I needed.


Jeanne said...

So happy things are going well! I have enjoyed the pictures.

Lisa said...

Hope you didn't get a tornado. That might be the only thing that would bother Sarah.
