Taped down, trimmed, and ready to quilt.
Oh golly. This was a project, but fun too. This is a log cabin quilt. Tutorial is found http://stitchesinplay.typepad.com/stitches_in_play/2009/06/easypeasy-log-cabin-tutorial.html.
There are 40 squares, each with 9, pieced strips. That's 360 pieces. Each one of those 360 pieces was stitched, pressed, trimmed, fitted, and then stitched some more. Then each of those 40 squares was stitched together. Then the entire thing was laid on top of batting and a backing (a perfectly coordinated thrifted sheet), basted together with safety pins, and ultimately machine-quilted in squares. It took an entire spool of thread to finish.
The plan is to use the quilt as an outside blanket sort of thing. Like for picnics and baseball games and such. It's just so cute that I might have to come up with an excursion this week so we can actually use the darn thing!
If I was old and had no babies to feed, children to teach, and various other duties to tend to, I would be a quilter. I have a huge appreciation for those who pursue this craft--it's not easy. And I did mine all my machine too. My Aunt does all of her quilts BY HAND!
Just enough squares left over to put together a couple of matching pillow covers. Won't we be the coolest looking picnickers ever?
Someone, leave me a comment and tell me how impressed you are. Please?!
Of course I'm impressed! I have fabric squares all cut out and ready for a rag quilt...and they've been in my closet since last November! I need inspiration...or maybe just some cold days. No wait - I'm not ready for winter!
What a gorgeous quilt! Looks like the perfect piece to curl up with in the cooler weather to come
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