Sunday, September 13, 2009

The X-files

Oh my. For his birthday, Bill decided to splurge on a 12 DVD set of the X-files (it only cost $19.99 because no one else could possible want such garbage). This would be season 1 and 2. Because I sit down quite often during the day to nurse Sarah, I find myself watching movies more than usual. We don't have cable or satellite, so it's just the DVD player or VCR and me (and I guess Sarah too). I've watched Andy Griffith, Peter Pan, Chocolat, and almost every other movie I can find in our house. I've rented from Redbox too. Oh, and let me not forget the offerings from our library as well. Because I feel as if I've nearly exhausted all local movie opportunities, I have (only out of complete desperation) taken to watching The X-files. From the beginning. I'm currently on Season 2, disk 2. That's 8 disks that I have already consumed visually. I will never be the same. The truth is out there.

On another note, I have also done a bit of calculating while feeding this baby. In the 16 weeks that we've had Sarah, if she's been fed 5 times per day, I have assumed the position in my chair 560 times. How's that for impressive?


Madeline said...

The truth IS out there. We all know that.

Imogen said...

Don't forget Benjamin Button, which we watched btw & what a laugh a minute that was!! Would u like some movie recommendations?

Anonymous said...

We'd love some. I think there's only so much of the X-Files that you can watch.