Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pioneer Woman Cookbook--A Review

Do you follow the Pioneer Woman? You should.

I've considered buying her cookbook, but the price is so high. However, I found the book at a used bookstore (already? it was just released!) this weekend and snatched it up. While you can find most of the recipes on the Pioneer Woman blog for free, I prefer having an actual book that I can hold in my hands. And set on the counter and get all covered with food while I'm cooking. Call me old-fashioned. Anyway, the photography in the book as well as the silly, little anecdotes make it so worth the price. The recipes are definitely not low-fat. They are hearty and homemade, easy to replicate using the great pictorials if necessary.

I think this cookbook will earn the place of honor (sitting on the counter) for quite a while this winter.

Also, if you look at the Pioneer Woman blog, be sure to check out her link to "Tasty Kitchen" if you're interested in finding lots of new recipes and cooking ideas submitted by other members.


Jeanne said...

The marmalade muffins you brought to the story telling were excellent evidence of the goodness of this cookbook. Thank you!

Nina... said...

You have a lovely blog. Thanks for suggesting The Pioneer Woman Cookbook and blog. i have heard lots of good things about it.