What a nice, easy weekend we've had. We started with co-op on Friday morning, followed by Jack's baseball game in Clarksville that night. It was chilly enough that Jack wore sleeves and we all wore sweaters! Now that's a nice change.
Saturday we did very little. Bill took the kids fishing in the evening for several hours. I stayed home and copied school work for the week and worked a bit on a quilt I started a LONG time ago.
Sunday morning, Jon decided to get up at 6:42 AM. Bill and I took a nice walk after breakfast and ended up sitting outside until nearly noon because the weather was so nice. The kids just played and entertained us with their chatter. Bill decided we MUST eat lunch at Cracker Barrel. So we did. A nice afternoon where everyone took a nap was followed by a little excursion to see an old plantation in the neighboring county. When we realized our proximity to our closest Starbucks, we took a small sidetrack for coffee and treats.
Now it seems almost time for bed. I've been told we'll be watching "Napoleon Dynamite" until bedtime. Fun.

Just a few pictures from our yard last week. The growing season seems to be winding down.
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