Monday, February 23, 2009

Crayon Rocks

Everyone needs these. Here is the link with the information:

We bought these for Jon for his birthday, but now we're thinking that we want to keep them for ourselves. They're natural, affordable, and the colors are really cool.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A new bed

for baby. Found it on Craigslist for cheap and it's in great shape. Now, to find the sheets that fit.....

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jon's 5th Birthday

Yesterday was Jon's birthday. He informed me in the morning that he would now be getting a job. Either a cowboy or working with Daddy. We had a nice day visiting the library to find new cowboy and dinosaur books (oh, and one about Robin Hood), eating lunch at FV, and eating dinner at Applebee's. Topped off with a boat-shaped birthday cake (which he never even tried!) and presents to open. Not bad for 5 years.
Jon in his knight garb.
Trying on the gnome hat Madeline made for him. Notice his wonky eye.

Opening presents.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Story by Jon

Today, Jon told me that he would soon be going off to war. He thought he could bring the baby along with him because, "The sailors on his ship would think the baby was cute." I told him that babies sorta need to stay with their mamas. He told me that I could accompany him then as well. It seems he's fighting the Russian naval fleet. In a submarine. With a machine gun that sits on a tripod. Can you tell his current favorite movie is "The Hunt for Red October?"

A little walk

The other evening, Bill took the kids for a walk across the field from our house. What an adventure!Fishing kids. Doesn't Maddy look happy?!

Jon learning to cast with his Captain Jack Sparrow pole.

Petting horses in the field.

It was an adventureous walk. They insisted that I go with them the next day, failing to tell me about the multiple barbed-wire fences I would have to traverse through. Considering I have a basketball-sized (youth ball, not regulation size) stomach interfering with my mobility, this was a difficult feat.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Still here, just sick

We're still battling this bug. Jon seems to have been the most affected--nasty cough and now the complaint of a hurting ear. Needless to say, we now have a doctor appt. to look forward to this afternoon. Bill is bravely (I add that for his sake) fighting through this incredibly debilitating (also for his benefit) disease, somehow managing to proceed with work and life. It is truly amazing. Anyway......

Don't have any pictures to share, though I should get outside in this beautiful weather and take some. It was 72 degrees yesterday, with more on the way.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sick (and tired)

It seems we've contracted a bug. Lots of coughing and hacking, a little fevering, and some general malaise. Fun stuff. Won't show any pictures of us dragging about in pjs. We're hoping to be through with it by the weekend so we can mail our valentines. Watch for yours in the mail and be sure to pay attention to the postmark!