Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Walmart Will Be The Downfall of the World

Okay. After one too many bad experiences at the local Walmart, I am deciding to boycott. Now this is not an easy decision to make considering where I live. Our community is small and rural, lacking retail variety and many specialty stores. What little we do have available can be antiquated and expensive. Let's face it, it's nice and easy to run to the local Walmart and get everything you need in one place. We have decided that we will no longer be supporting a store that flourishes despite their non-existent customer service. I'm also fairly certain that Walmart has some other major flaws within the entire scope of its existence, so maybe we also have a moral and ethical obligation to turn our backs to them as well. Here's a list of some ways we will be able to break the chains of bondage (a little dramatic, yes, I know...) to Walmart:

1. Shop at the only other grocery store: Food Lion. This will be more expensive and with fewer organic choices, but usually with better produce and meat.

2. Look into buying grass-fed beef and free-range chicken every six weeks from the natural grocery store in the city and freeze for later use.

3. Buy local eggs on the way to the library every week.

4. Utilize the Internet for more of our shopping.

5. Shop in the city (combine this with the meat buying trip) for fabric, crafting supplies, etc.

6. Try the local department store for clothing and shoe needs.

7. Grow more of our own vegetables.

8. Buy fruit from the local farm stands. Though this fruit isn't organic or completely local, it is at least from VA. It's also supporting a small, local business.

It used to be that if you needed hardware, you went to the hardware store. If you needed plants, you went to a nursery. Need groceries? Go to the grocery store. We've become so used to one-stop-shopping (thank you, Fred G. Meyer) that I believe we are lazy. I also believe that our patronage of these Big Box stores has lowered our expectations for quality products, knowledgeable service people, and good service. I am going to take a little more time, energy, and money and search for stores where quality and service matter. In the end, I'm hoping that my hard-earned money and time will be spent in a way that makes me feel content with my consumer purchases. Not bewildered, cheated, unsatisfied, and taken advantage of.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

4 Months Old

Sporting her rather large elf hat.

New duds. Very fallish.

Jack's out sawing logs.

I'd rather not remember where I was at this time 4 months ago, but without it all, there wouldn't be Sarah.

Have We No Shame?

I've been the lucky recipient of several friends' cast-off girls' clothing. Lots of fancy stuff I'd never buy but enjoy dressing Sister Sarah in all the same. Another HUGE bag found its way to our home yesterday so be prepared for more photos of our sweet baby!

Friday, September 25, 2009


What do you get when you care for one sick 5 year old, then an under the weather 10 year old, finishing up with loving on a snotty-nosed 4 month old? It's a sick mother. How come everyone else is feeling better and I'm sinking into a deeper, worser sickness? Worser, yep, worser. And how can my nose be so stuffy and still run, nonstop? I foresee lots of resting (who am I kidding?) this weekend.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Anyone Have A Thighmaster?

These are Sarah's new babylegs (just like baby legwarmers). So handy for changing diapers without having to pull off pants. You can find them here.

Working out.

Chubby legs.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

We Are A Sight!

If you're ever in LaCrosse some evening around 6:30, maybe you'll see us. We're the funny looking people, running laps around their field. You'll surely recognize us: a tired-looking woman with the industrial-strength sports bra (nursing four babies has that effect on a person), the taller-than-her mother teenager who unhappily plods along, the mid-sized boy who jogs effortlessly along with no concept of personal space, and lastly, the littlest boy who runs exuberantly, just for the joy of running. Oh, what a sight we are.

This is the third week into our running adventure. Can't say it's my favorite thing to do, but I do enjoy my company while doing so. Gosh, I forgot to add that we are usually accompanied by a big, yellow dog who hops like a kangaroo, a cat who looks bewildered by the activity, and a goat who simply stares blankly. It really is a family affair. Now, off to Sonic for our after-run treats.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The X-files

Oh my. For his birthday, Bill decided to splurge on a 12 DVD set of the X-files (it only cost $19.99 because no one else could possible want such garbage). This would be season 1 and 2. Because I sit down quite often during the day to nurse Sarah, I find myself watching movies more than usual. We don't have cable or satellite, so it's just the DVD player or VCR and me (and I guess Sarah too). I've watched Andy Griffith, Peter Pan, Chocolat, and almost every other movie I can find in our house. I've rented from Redbox too. Oh, and let me not forget the offerings from our library as well. Because I feel as if I've nearly exhausted all local movie opportunities, I have (only out of complete desperation) taken to watching The X-files. From the beginning. I'm currently on Season 2, disk 2. That's 8 disks that I have already consumed visually. I will never be the same. The truth is out there.

On another note, I have also done a bit of calculating while feeding this baby. In the 16 weeks that we've had Sarah, if she's been fed 5 times per day, I have assumed the position in my chair 560 times. How's that for impressive?

Madeline's Birthday

The unfortunate cake.

Supposed to be "13" but have no idea what Jon is doing.

I know you're not supposed to take their picture, but I was discreet. I made Bill follow him so I could snap a quick one. I wish I could have taken a picture of the Amish girl mowing the lawn with a push mower and the man cutting hay with a horse drawn cutting machine. Is it bad that I stalk the Amish?
The teenager (that's how Jon refers to her now) had a full day. Started with donuts and presents for breakfast and a trip to our favorite bookstore in Charlotte Courthouse (that's really the name of the town!). A drive through Amish country and lunch at Chick-fil-a in Farmville VA. Baseball games, really awesome yarn store in the middle of no where (, and dinner on the deck at Charlie's in Farmville. Lastly, cake and ice cream at home with a request by the teenager for a retelling of her birth story. She said this was the best birthday ever.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Someone Sabotaged My Cake!

Okay, who did it?! Someone has ruined my frosting. This is a well-used, proven recipe so how come it won't work? I'm sure I've used this recipe at least 50 times with no trouble. How come it won't work today?


Is it possible that Bill and I are parents to a teenager?! Just when did THAT happen? Today Madeline turns 13. This girl will spend the day at her brother's baseball game without any complaining. She is a kind-hearted, generous girl who is always willing to help out her family. She has the patience of a Saint when it comes to her siblings. Her ability to create is amazing. All and all, we think we're pretty lucky to have her. Happy 13, Mad!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Project

Started a new bag today. This one is an overnight/weekender bag. I travel SO often that I really thought I needed this. Yeah, right. It's also a project for a swap I'm participating in at Shivaya Naturals. The pattern is from Living crafts magazine.

I'm using two old tablecloths, a thrifted sheet, lots of fabric scraps, and who-knows-what else!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Today, everyone is laboring. Except me. I did that a few months ago. Bill enlisted the help of all able-bodied children to help him stain and finish the deck.

Sarah is helping.Twinky is helping.

Madeline is NOT helping, but Jon is.

Jack is helping.

Don't they all look so nice? Everyone received a new haircut last night. There were no tears or tantrums, though Bill was not happy with his cut. And Sarah didn't get a haircut either.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

R.I.P. Oreo

Oreo the Gerbil has died. After a short, unidentified malady, Oreo died peacefully in his sleep last night. I found him curled up in his bedding, looking quite peaceful. Jon is certain that he has just "moved to the city." I am thankful that I will no longer have to smell his stinky cage.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bill's Birthday

Pecan Pie, lasagna, and baseball practice.
Happy 36th.

We're Off....

And running, that is. Madeline and I have started running. Now let me be clear that this is certainly NOT her idea. After this last pregnancy, I've gotten a bit (okay, maybe a lot) out of shape. I find myself rather winded when I play regular kid games with these regular kids. And, let's face it--my birthday is just around the corner. Anyway, I cannot face the prospect of running by myself, so I figured Madeline would make a good partner. Problem is, her legs are about twice as long as mine. We're starting slowly and rewarding ourselves often. She is all about nail polish and though I'd rather be all about ice cream, I guess that I'm all about Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap. Will keep you posted on our progress.