Sunday, September 13, 2009

Madeline's Birthday

The unfortunate cake.

Supposed to be "13" but have no idea what Jon is doing.

I know you're not supposed to take their picture, but I was discreet. I made Bill follow him so I could snap a quick one. I wish I could have taken a picture of the Amish girl mowing the lawn with a push mower and the man cutting hay with a horse drawn cutting machine. Is it bad that I stalk the Amish?
The teenager (that's how Jon refers to her now) had a full day. Started with donuts and presents for breakfast and a trip to our favorite bookstore in Charlotte Courthouse (that's really the name of the town!). A drive through Amish country and lunch at Chick-fil-a in Farmville VA. Baseball games, really awesome yarn store in the middle of no where (, and dinner on the deck at Charlie's in Farmville. Lastly, cake and ice cream at home with a request by the teenager for a retelling of her birth story. She said this was the best birthday ever.


Madeline said...

Yes, it's very bad. Stalking the Amish is about as sinful as you can get.

Heather said...

Oh my, I think that it is so beautiful that she wanted to hear her birth story. It is my favorite part of the boys birthday, and I hope that they too will want to hear it every year as they grow up. I am so glad that you all had a wonderful day (and the cake looks so yummy)